Category: All

  • On Q welcomes Marni Wasserman, Toronto’s plant-based diet expert

    On Q welcomes Marni Wasserman, Toronto’s plant-based diet expert

    Check out Marni’s instagram account for healthy inspirations. On Q Communications is thrilled to announce our newest client, Marni Wasserman, founder of Marni Wasserman’s Food Studio & Lifestyle Shop. This multi-talented young entrepreneur is a culinary nutritionist, certified natural chef, health strategist, author and owner of a thriving plant-based cooking studio, Toronto’s very first. Marni’s number…

  • Social media in 2016: Co-founder Livia Grujich on this year’s trends

    Social media in 2016: Co-founder Livia Grujich on this year’s trends

      Q: At this stage, many social media platforms are diluted with endless content. Does it make sense to create and manage a social media account anymore? A: Absolutely! You can’t afford NOT to be part of the conversation. You have to play smart. There’s definitely more ‘noise’ out there with everyone sharing their viewpoint, which…

  • Social media marketing done right: On Q’s Social ROI Program

    Social media marketing done right: On Q’s Social ROI Program

    One of the questions we just love to answer is ‘how can I generate revenue from my social media marketing?’ We’ve heard it time and again – our clients LOVE the engagement from their followers but really want to see direct ROI coming to them from their social media. It’s easier than you might think…

  • Pope Francis at the social media helm

    Pope Francis at the social media helm

    Building a successful personal brand can be a major contributor to overall organization or company brand success. We’ve seen big personalities like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg add value to brands like Virgin, Apple, and Facebook over years of their leadership. But it isn’t only companies that can add value to brands and…

  • Social media mistakes on the Canadian campaign trail

    Social media mistakes on the Canadian campaign trail

    Our politicians …scratch that…. NO politician is perfect. Even when one emerges with what appears to be a squeaky clean record of glorious extracurricular activities and trusted sat-on boards, something pops up that just makes our noses scrunch and our brows furrow. It happens. For some, the smudge in their history is worse than others…

  • Welcome to the all new On Q!

    Welcome to the all new On Q!

    We decided it was time for a little change. Our new website brings a whole lotta style – it’s sleek, dynamic and fresh. Just like us! There are features you’ve never seen at On Q before! It’s full of interactive new features like flip boxes, and toggles so you can really play around with…

  • Making Twitter work for you

    Making Twitter work for you

    Many entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketing managers know that social media is crucial to their marketing strategy and to connecting with their target audience, but not everyone knows how to use their company pages and reach to their full potential. One social media mechanism we are asked most often about is Twitter. Many other channels (such…

  • Back to school with On Q and the Schulich Executive Education Centre!

    Back to school with On Q and the Schulich Executive Education Centre!

    Step up your marketing communications game with the Schulich Executive Education Centre and York University’s Masters Certificate in Marketing Communications Leadership! With everything from how to face the challenges of today’s marketing landscape head-on to leveraging relationships and employing multi outlet integration for more effective results, this program will have you up to date on how…

  • Tips to become the best public speaker

    Tips to become the best public speaker

    Jennifer Aniston. Ellen DeGeneres. Neil Patrick Harris. Jim Parsons. Kelly Ripa. What do all of these fine folks have in common (aside from showing up on your television screen on weekdays)? They’re all pretty darn good spokespeople! It’s not by chance that these individuals have made a living acting and now appear in front of…

  • Ladies and gentlemen, step right up!

    Ladies and gentlemen, step right up!

    It’s that time of year again – take a walk through Liberty Village, a drive down Lake Shore Blvd, or get off the GO at Exhibition station and your nose will no doubt fill with the mouth-watering aroma of funnel cake, fresh pizza slices, and, is that….yep, a slight whiff of horse manure emanating from…